This left behind a residue which Ramsay would later identify as krypton.ĭiscovering ArgonRamsay was a Scottish chemist who is known as the founder of the noble gases. This Scottish chemist found krypton by evaporating away all components of liquid air. Sir William Ramsay discovered the noble gases between 18. While this was a breakthrough discovery, it wasnt the first noble gas Ramsay had identified - and it wasnt the last. Sir William Ramsay and Morris Travers discovered krypton on 30 th May 1898. It is also a strong oxidising and fluorinating agent that can oxidise gold to its highest-known oxidation state. This compound is a volatile and colourless solid that is often used in lasers. While krypton is mostly inert, it does actually react with fluorine gas to form krypton fluoride. In deep-sea diving, for example, helium is used in breathing gas in order to prevent a reaction between oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide which would be toxic.

This is an extremely useful property to many industries that do not want a chemical reaction to take place. By having a stable arrangement, noble gases dont need to react and, therefore, become chemically inert. When elements have an unstable or incomplete outer shell, they will react with other substances to either gain or lose electrons.
Noble gases are unreactive because they have a full outer shell of electrons. Although some of the gases have now been found to be slightly reactive under extreme conditions, they are still almost entirely chemically inert. Historically known as the inert gases, Group 18 elements are especially noted for their unreactive nature. These elements all have very similar properties, like being odourless, colourless and chemically inert. Krypton is one of the seven noble gases, which belong to Group 18 of the periodic table. It is also slightly more reactive than some of the lighter gases and can form some chemical compounds. Krypton is also three times heavier than air, which makes it heavier than other noble gases in the group. The noble gases all share similar properties, and krypton is no exception. Composing only 1 part per million of the atmosphere by volume, its name is directly related to its infrequent appearance: krypton is derived from the Greek word kryptos, meaning the hidden one. Unlike argon, which forms a considerable portion of the Earths atmosphere, krypton is very rare. There are 6 noble gases that occur naturally: These elements all belong to Group 18 of the periodic table. Krypton (Kr) is a member of the noble gases, a group of elements that are recognised for their extremely low chemical reactivity. While it wont make you powerful and isnt used to form emerald green chunks of kryptonite, this element does have a very unique set of properties. The inspiration and namesake for Supermans home planet, krypton (Kr) is an inert and extremely rare gas that is found in the air. Before its destruction, Krypton was a planet that orbited a red star, boasted advanced technology and had huge crystalline structures across its lands - well, not exactly.